What is global option in Peach tree Software
Open Peach tree software from option menu select global option following window
accounting head select decimal you will select 2 , 3 , 4 decimal after the
amount if click automatic then decimal written automatically hide General
Ledger account, account receivable account payable and payroll if you check
mean click on box account receivable hide the account then next is General.
In General
improve performance line item entry display , smart data entry, and color
In improve
performance check box do not print total page length. In smart data entry you
will write few spelling automatic complete the word next is Peach tree partners.
In Peach tree partners if you click Low then you will allow all Peach tree partners to run
application. If you click on Medium to run Peach tree partners application warn
before to run application. If you click High do not allow any Peach tree partners to run application.
In spelling
head you will check spelling as you type.